A bathroom is THE ideal space to use wallpaper in your home. In a small room like the bathroom, you can be very bold with color and pattern in a way that you wouldn't normally do in a much larger room. If you are looking to buy wallpaper for your bathroom, look for waterproof and waterproof wallpaper. To help you choose the right wallpaper for your bathroom, Plumbworld has come up with some ideas to consider below.
Resist the temptation to save money by buying regular wallpaper, as they will not be able to stand the moisture that it receives in your average bathroom. It is quite obvious why the bathrooms fit into a coastal color scheme, but you can take things further with a themed wallpaper. Once you have finished hanging the wallpaper, allow it to dry completely before sealing with strong varnish to give a layer of protection against damp bathroom conditions. You'll need to make sure that the wood is properly treated to withstand moisture and moisture in your bathroom, but as long as it is, wood inlays are another great way to visually transform your bathroom.
In this small bathroom there is only one thin window at the other end, which means it lacks natural light. This characterful bathroom is fully papered with a delicate butterfly design, which is elegant yet subtle in equal measure. If your bathroom is well ventilated and there is not a lot of humidity, standard wallpaper should work well in your space. Most wallpapers are labelled according to use, and those suitable for rooms with high humidity such as kitchens and bathrooms are made of unchanged vinyl.
If you're wallpapering a bathroom, it's usually not a huge area to cover, especially if you move away from the wet areas of the bathtub or shower, so it's a good opportunity to, erm, splash on some more expensive or unusual wallpaper and have some fun. When using a wallpaper in the bathroom, you can never be too careful when it comes to protecting the surface, to ensure that it withstands the elements of bathroom life. Bathroom experts say using a splash-proof or cleanable option is still ideal, as “these types of wallpapers are specifically designed for high humidity areas,” so if you're looking for a specific design, make sure you check that it's labeled as suitable for bathrooms.